Professional Test Audience Member

My dream film job is to be a full-time test audience member.

A movie lover’s dream, getting paid to see movies [Source:]

The pitch

I cannot imagine anything more rewarding than watching a movie and giving your honest opinion on it and the filmmakers end up making a better movie out of it. 

Accurate depiction of me above [Source: Bayne Stanley|UBC]


Just like any audience test screening that exists today, I show up to a movie that is about 98% finished and give my thoughts on it and suggest changes. The only difference is this is how I make living. 

Money does indeed talk in this industry [Source: Cast from β€œMoney Talks: The Musical”|Jeremy Daniels]

The twist 

I am the only one they call because I am the only audience they need. So I get the theater to myself.

That’s the life [Source: Unsplash]


I make around $5000/month. But I still have to buy my own popcorn. 


I do not have nor am I, my own boss. I think that makes sense. I just show up. 


They make a movie about me and the job and it flops because I refuse to watch it. They make a movie about that, and I love it. So it’s #1 for 8 weeks. 


Taste Test Movie Theater Snacks